On this episode of the Growing Small Town Nebraska Podcast, host Sheila Jenkinson chats with Colleen Johnson, Executive Director of the Old West Balloon Fest which is celebrating it's 10th anniversary in Mitchell this August. Colleen and Sheila talk about the event itself, what it's like to be a hot air balloon pilot, the positive impact on the area during the event, some interesting stories, and more!
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Show notes https://otter.ai/u/KapyM6IsiwiUBnkgUVU5Ux8BRo0?utm_source=copy_url
Thanks to Tanner Ehrisman, audio engineer for the podcast.
Thank you to pixabay music for background tracks! https://pixabay.com
Cuming County Visitors Bureau & Cuming County Economic Development: sweethomecumingcounty.com
Norfolk Area Concert Association: https://concertassociation.net/norfolkne/
Sidney/Cheyenne County Tourism: https://www.visitsidneyne.com/.
Norfolk Area Business Resource Network: https://www.norfolksmallbiz.com/
Pryker Group LLC - Next Generation Concrete: www.PrykerGroup.com
Nebraska Life Magazine: www.NebraskaLifeMagazine.com
Stanton State Bank: https://www.stantonstatebank.com/
Intersect: https://www.intersectcoworking.com/
4TH St. Sweets: https://4thstsweets.com/
Visit Knox County: www.knoxcountynebraska.com
Artzy Haven https://artzyhaven.com/
The American Doorstop Project www.AmericanDoorstopProject.com
Born to Rein: www.BornToRein.com
Innovation Station, West Point: www.innovationstaionwp.com
J&H Produce/Greenhouse: https://www.facebook.com/jhproduce
Elkhorn Valley Museum https://elkhornvalleymuseum.org/
Norfolk Rotary Club https://rotarydistrict5650.org/clubinfo/norfolk-1
Norfolk Area Concert Association https://concertassociation.net/norfolkne/
Scotts Bluff County Tourism https://visitscottsbluff.com/