Growing Small Town Nebraska Podcast

Growing Small Town Nebraska Podcast

Ep. 51: Nebraska Community Foundation, Carrie Malek-Madani & Jeff Yost


Sheila Jenkinson talks to Jeff Yost, President and CEO of the Nebraska Community Foundation (NCF), and Carrie Malek-Madani, NCF's Director of Marketing and Communications as they discuss the importance of changing the narrative about rural Nebraska, encouraging young people to stay or return, and the role of unrestricted endowments in community development. Several success stories are shared emphasizing collaboration, optimism, and the potential for rural revitalization. (Note: this episode was recorded in September of 2024.)

Listen today on your favorite podcast platform and don't forget to subscribe to the GSTN Podcast!

Thank you to Hip Grandma Life for the headshot of Sheila.

#growingsmalltownne #Nebraska #smalltownbigdreams #podcastlife
#growingnebraskaandbeyond #nebraskacommunityfoundation #revitalization

Thanks to Tanner Ehrisman, audio engineer for the podcast.

Show notes:

Thank you to pixabay music for background tracks!

Cuming County Visitors Bureau & Cuming County Economic Development:

Norfolk Area Concert Association:

Sidney/Cheyenne County Tourism:

Pryker Group LLC - Next Generation Concrete:

Stanton State Bank:


4TH St. Sweets:

Artzy Haven

The American Doorstop Project

Born to Rein:

Elkhorn Valley Museum

Norfolk Rotary Club

Norfolk Area Concert Association

Scotts Bluff County Tourism

Pierce County Tourism